Sunday 21 October 2012

A while back, a friend of friend found a ginger kitten at her door step. That is one of the cutest kitten I have ever seen. Since then, I am seriously considering to prepare a letter which begin with "Dear Santa".......... Even through, I'm too old to believe he is real.

Later on, I have double checked with the owner of the place I live, the answer was as I expected: No Pets.

Last weekend, I went to a huge pet shop which is just like the size of a mini zoo. A great idea came to me after I saw half a dozen of mice. There three steps.

First, I will bring a couple of mice to home, then convince the owner that we have a serious rat problem, therefore we need a cat. After a while, I will convince the owner that the cat is going viral, we need a dog..............

I was very happy with my idea until the time to go to bed: what if those cute little mice decide to settle down in my room.....................

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