Monday 22 October 2012

Fashion Event Poster (Practice)

Practice: Muster is a fashion event and targeted audience is people who working in fashion industry professionally, not retailers but fashion buyers. This even aim for participators to discus future fashion direction.  

Sunday 21 October 2012

A while back, a friend of friend found a ginger kitten at her door step. That is one of the cutest kitten I have ever seen. Since then, I am seriously considering to prepare a letter which begin with "Dear Santa".......... Even through, I'm too old to believe he is real.

Later on, I have double checked with the owner of the place I live, the answer was as I expected: No Pets.

Last weekend, I went to a huge pet shop which is just like the size of a mini zoo. A great idea came to me after I saw half a dozen of mice. There three steps.

First, I will bring a couple of mice to home, then convince the owner that we have a serious rat problem, therefore we need a cat. After a while, I will convince the owner that the cat is going viral, we need a dog..............

I was very happy with my idea until the time to go to bed: what if those cute little mice decide to settle down in my room.....................