Tuesday 11 December 2012

A year has gone by. I am graduating tomorrow night. Originally, to apply for this course was to improve my skills in marketing, did not think of anything in "design". At the end of this course, I have got way more than I wish for. Compare to other classmates, my designs may be not as elegant as theirs, but this course does open a whole new door for me in career and new point of view in life.

Just got my portfolio printed yesterday. Well, at least what I have finished so far. It turned out better than I thought, when I was filling each page into the portfolio. As marketing and international business are my knowledge background, my designs are more about commercial than elegant custom designs. As the printer David said yesterday, nobody is good at everything in design world, you just need to find your area.

I still remember when I graduating from university similar time four years ago, I have sweared that I would never go back to school ever again. Oh well, maybe I should swear that again. However, unlike when I was graduating from university, by graduating from this graphic design course do not give me the feeling that everything is dust and done, but simply a warm up. The real learning and opportunities are along the road await.

Road trip! Yeah!