Thursday 24 May 2012

Found this Picture online today, while I was paddling the internet (because I can not surf).

I think this picture is really cute because my bf has the same pair of sunnies.

Although, I used to think it is funny enough to watch him wear it and acting like 90s' rock star singing in the car. Now, imagine they are in one photo, both wear the same sunnies....................

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Wear sunnies 24/7. Why?

Today, at work.
A regular customer walked toward my desk as every other days.
My colleague who sits near by asked the customer "why are you still wear your sunnies (in the room) ?"
"Because my future is too bright!" my customer answered instantly with a big smile.

Maybe I should get a new pair of sunnies too ! .................With matching shoes and bag!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

My Blog - Day One

People say that "a door closes and a window opens".
In my case, may be is the other way around.
Either way, I am happy.

Study graphic design in the past three months make me feel like a bird standing outside my cage, free and lost.